The Year of the Dragon

Pianodao’s weekly series of reflective blog posts

Since ancient times, the Chinese have followed the lunar calendar, New Year coinciding with the first hint of Spring in the northern hemisphere, and this year falling on Saturday 10th February 2024. This date marks the beginning of the celebration of the Spring Festival, which culminates in the Festival of Lanterns on February 24th.

As ever, the year is named after one of the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac. These are multiplied by the Wuxing ‘Five Element’ concept of traditional Daoist culture to create a 60 year cycle, and within this we are about to enter the Year of the Wood Dragon.

“Oh great!” you may be thinking, “just what we all need: another year of drama, turbulence, disruption, and fire-breathing egos.” But happily, the Year of the Dragon is traditionally an auspicious one in Chinese lore, heralding a time of positive transformation and renewal.

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